Traditional Okinawa Village and Omoro Arboretum
Cyperus monophyllus
General description

Omoro name | Seriko |
Japanese name | Shichitoui |
Family name | Cyperaceae |
Okinawan name | Ii, Sachiih, Sahra |

Location within the park
Cyperus monophyllus is a perennial herb that grows in bogs on the waterside. The stem of 3.3 to 6.6 feet grows upright from near the root and is triangle-shaped which is why it is called “Schoenoplectus triqueter”. It is also called “Shichitoui” from the fact that it is cultivated in the Satsunan Shichitou Islands. Its place of origin is said to be Southeast Asia, and it grows naturally in southern China, the Philippines and Indochina. It is either cultivated or found from the Kansai region of Japan to the Ryukyu Islands. Although it was originally cultivated in the Ryukyu Islands, it is said to have been introduced in Ooita prefecture via Satsunan in the early Edo period. Because of that, tatami facing woven with this plant became to be called “Ryukyu omote”. Until around 1965, it was actively cultivated in paddy fields near the seashore of Kanegusuku, Itoman City and former Teruma, Yonashiro Village in Okinawa.
【culm】 : tatami facing, mat, mat with floral pattern
Best Time To See Calendar

Omorosaushi (777 of Volume 13) Seriko

Meaning of the song
The Amaetomi (ship name)
Guarded by Nayokura priestess
Loaded with tributes for offering to the king
The superior young priestess
Weaves a beautiful straw mat
Weaves with Cyperus monophyllus which she begged for
(Let’s celebrate for the king)