Traditional Okinawa Village and Omoro Arboretum
Bischofia javanica
General description

Omoro name | Akaki |
Japanese name | Akagi |
Family name | Euphorbiaceae |
Okinawan name | Akagi・Akan・Akatsugi |

Location within the park
Bischofia javanica is an evergreen tree that grows to be over 82 feet tall and is mainly found in mountainous regions and on lowlands in limestone regions due to the fact that it grows well in adequately damp and rich soil. This tree grows on the Okinawa Islands and Sakishima Islands, and also in Taiwan, southern China to India, Malaysia, Polynesia and Australia. The Japanese name comes from the fact that its bark and wood are reddish brown. It has small virescent flowers around February through May. There is a giant Bischofia javanica approximately 200-300 years old growing on the grounds of Uchikanagusuku-utaki in Shuri Kinjo Town of Naha City, Okinawa, which is designated as a national natural treasure.
【wood】 : Construction material,Furniture material,Feed box for swine,Mortar,Farm tool
【bark】 : Brown dye
【leaf】 : Tartaric acid
【tree】 : Street decorating tree,Park tree,Windbreak forest,Water conservation forest
Best Time To See Calendar

Omorosaushi (822 of Volume 13)

Meaning of the song
The sun is rising in the east.
There are pure white and bright red
blooms of Akagi (Bischofia javanica) and
Yusugi (Distylium racemosum) in front of
I wish to pick them and hold them up.
the sun.
(omit the rest)