Learning Materials

  1. Learning Materials
The wonders of tropical plants

Our life, history, and plants are inseparable partners.
Let's look into the mysterious world of tropical plants.

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Tropical Dream Center Stamp Rally

Tropical Dream Center is full of bright orchids and mysterious plants.
Let's enjoy learning about the plants while collecting stamps

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The wonders of sea turtles

Have you seen famous the sea turtles from Urashima Taro’s old story of Japan. Actually, there is still a lot we don't know about sea turtles. Let's come in touch with the wonders of sea turtles and look into the mystery of the sea.

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The wonders of whales

Have you seen whales? You cannot see whales at the aquarium, and also there are few chances to observe them closely. Let's look into whale ecology, mainly humpback whales which are seen frequently in the waters around Okinawan.

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Native Okinawan Village Let's explore traditional old Okinawan houses.

Let's explore traditional old Okinawan houses at the Native Okinawan Village and write down what you find out!

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