Paph. (Kemp Tower x Johanna Burkhardt) 'Toki'
Masahiro Saito
(Ibaraki Prefecture)
PRIZE:Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs Award
V. lamellata 'Miyara'
Fumiko Nakajima
(Kanagawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:Director-General of Okinawa General Bureau, Cabinet Office Award
C. walkeriana 'Lapis Rouge #3'
Masato Akimoto
(Chiba Prefecture)
PRIZE:Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
Epi. Magic Valley 'Phoenix'
Moriaki Inamine
(Kanagawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:Governor of Okinawa Award
V. Pachara Delight 'Yonamine'
Isao Yonemine
(Nishihara Town, Okinawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award
Nature changes
Horticultural Science Department, Okinawa Prefectural Chubu Agricultural High School
(Himeka Irei & Yuma Takara)
PRIZE:President of Nippon Flower Designers Association Award
New Bouquet
Mayumi Kinjo
(Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:President of Japan Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Award
Brilliance of silence
Mino Uehara
(Tomigusuku City, Okinawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
Prayer of people, Blessing of the orchid
Flowershop Ran-Ran
(Motobu Town, Okinawa Prefecture)
PRIZE:Governor of Okinawa Award
Tropical Orchid Haven
Jairak Orchid
(Kingdom of Thailand)
PRIZE:Minister of Foreign Affairs Award
Phal. Hwa Yuan Five Star 'Five Star'
Hsu Yung-Chuan
PRIZE:Director-General of Okinawa General Bureau, Cabinet Office Award
Rnst. Azimah
Kulanut Techachareonsukchera
(Kingdom of Thailand)
Click on the image to open the PDF.
Let’s make a flower lei and other flower arrangements by using orchids.
Location:⑨ Event Exhibition Room
1 February (Sat)~2 (Sun)
first 100 arrivals
3 February (Mon)
first 50 arrivals
Let’s cultivate orchids! There will be a sale of orchids and various plants.
6 February (Thu)~9 (Sun)
8:30am~5:30pm (Last entry at 5:00 PM)
8 February (Sat) & 9 (Sun)
1:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM Ends when supplies run out Event Exhibition Room
300 yen per item
10 participants per day
Participants will receive an original goods !
Daily during the period
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Last entry at 5:00 PM)
Prize Redemption Location: ② Croton Patio
Organizer: Okinawa International Orchid Show Executive Committee
Tropical Dream Center will be closed on Jan. 30th (Thu) and Feb.10th (Mon) due to the arrangements for Okinawa International Orchid Show 2025. Thank you for your cooperation.
Okinawa International Orchid Show Committee
424 Ishikawa, Motobu, Kunigami, Okinawa JAPAN 905-0206