

  • 北殿(ほくでん)
  • 北殿(ほくでん)

Hokuden was formerly known as Nishino-Udun and Giseiden. It is said to have been built around 1506 to 1521, and according to records it was burnt down along with other buildings in the destructive fire that struck Shurijo Castle in 1709, and then reconstructed around 1712. It normally functioned as a administrative facility for the royal government, and this is where the Omote Jugonin-Shu or the 15 ministers, Hissha, and Satonushi worked.
Similar to Nanden/Bandokoro, the Hokuden was reconstructed from reinforced concrete with a wooden exterior. Since opening to the public in 1992, it housed various exhibits that explained the structure and makeup of the Shuri Royal Government, ceremonies for the Sapposhi envoys, and video presentations on multiple aspects including the restoration of the Seiden.

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